Coming Home... Mally Khorasantchi Dunham Family Gallery
January 31 - March 9
Rhapsodie in Blue, Oil on Paper Collage, Four Panels – 90″x164″
A master of oil and collage, Mally returns to BIG ARTS with her new, dynamic work. Collage demands refined balance, not only in imagery and form, but also of content and theme. Her oils on canvas and paper collage emerge from personal experience with loss and with new beginnings.
Coming home… Living alone after losing my husband, moving to the Imperial River has taught me to be patient – curious and loving my new neighborhood. My age and life experience open the door to coming home, connecting to nature – where I came from. I also feel I am coming home to Sanibel, where my love for Florida and the US started in 1991!
Born soon after the end of World War II in Dusseldorf, Germany, Mally (Breuer) Khorasantchi discovered her passion for artmaking as a young child. Khorasantchi studied with several noted professional German artists who nurtured her artistic development, and by the 1990s she had two solo exhibitions of her work in Dusseldorf, Germany.
Mally Khorasantchi immigrated to the United States in 1992, established permanent residency in 2001 and became an American citizen in 2006. She has maintained a full-time studio practice as a painter in Southwest Florida for the past 20 years. Her work has been featured in 12 solo exhibitions throughout Florida, New York City and Germany, as well as 18 group exhibitions, including the Russian State Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia. In addition to corporate and private collectors both in the United States and abroad, her paintings are in the permanent museum collections of the Baker Museum, Naples, FL; Freuenmuseum Bonn, Germany; the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, and Florida Gulf Coast University, Estero, FL.
She is represented by the Harmon-Meek Gallery, Naples, FL and the Walter Wickiser Gallery, NYC, New York.