Week of Events

Gatha Poem Paintings – Beth Schroeder

Gatha Poem Paintings – Beth Schroeder

From Life Instructor: Juli Bobman

From Life Instructor: Juli Bobman

Glass Fusing Instructor: Petra Kaiser

Glass Fusing Instructor: Petra Kaiser

Glass Fusing Instructor: Petra Kaiser

Glass Fusing Instructor: Petra Kaiser

Afterlife and “A World to Come:” Comparing/Contrasting the Views of Humanity’s Major Religions and Philosophical Traditions Instructor: Dr. Randall H. Niehoff

Uprising – Wendy Klemperer

Uprising – Wendy Klemperer

Expressive Palette Knife in Oil Instructor: Jan Ellen Atkielski

Expressive Palette Knife in Oil Instructor: Jan Ellen Atkielski

Pastel Painting Instructor: Mary Klunk

Pastel Painting Instructor: Mary Klunk