BIG ARTS Events - Lecture Series - FORUM
Stimulating lectures and engaging conversations on a range of topical issues with some of the most important thought leaders of our time.
Akhil Reed Amar
The Words That Made Us - Should the Constitution Be Amended for the 21st Century?
The United States has entered a time when constitutional interpretations seem to be changing. Factors, such as the precedents set by early presidents and Congresses, common practices of modern American citizens, venerable judicial decisions, and sources of inspiration and guidance, are questioned.
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Dr. Michael S. Roth
What’s The Future for American Colleges?
Dr. Michael S. Roth became the President of Connecticut’s Wesleyan University in 2007. In subsequent years, he has been at the forefront of those examining the purpose of, and means by which, higher education functions.
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Bill Barr
The Rule of Law Today
William Pelham Barr was confirmed as the 85th Attorney General of the United States by the US Senate on February 14, 2019. On that day, Bill Barr joined John Crittenden as one of only two people in US history to serve twice as Attorney General.
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Rikki Klieman
Law and the Media
Rikki Klieman is currently the Legal Analyst for CBS News, after serving as a television anchor, notably covering the OJ Simpson trial. As an attorney, she specialized in criminal law, appellate practice and civil litigation.
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Dr. Natan Sachs
Israel: Can There Ever Be a Real “Day After?"
Since October 7, 2024, the Israelis, Palestinians, Americans, and other Middle Eastern nations have struggled, using threats, weaponry, and words to determine appropriate and sustainable solutions wherein nations that express the goal of destroying components of one another can exist side-by-side.
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Dr. John Della Volpe
What Your Gen Z Grand Kids Think About American Politics and The World They Want to Create
Dr. John Della Volpe is the Director of Polling at the Harvard Kennedy School of Politics and was labeled by Time Magazine as “the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) political researcher when it comes to understanding youth in politics.”
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Dr. Jeffrey R. Henig
Are Charter Schools the Way to Improve American Education?
Dr. Jeffrey R. Henig is Professor of Political Science and Education at Columbia University Teacher’s College and the nation’s preeminent expert in the current evolution of public education.
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Dr. Peter Singer
Artificial Intelligence: Reality Catching Up to Science Fiction
The emergence of public artificial intelligence products has increased focus on how they may affect our society and lives. At recent hearings, Congress was introduced to the progress and dangers of these rapidly advancing technologies. Dr. Peter Singer examines the scope of AI development, the benefits it offers, and the ethical challenges to human society.
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